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2022/06/09 - Guild Meeting - Bowl within a Bowl with Tod Raine

Bob Edmiston | Published on 5/13/2022
Bowl within a Bowl with Tod Raines
  • Thursday June 9th
  • Zoom call opens a 6:15 for socializing
  • Meeting begins at 6:45 PM
  • Demonstration begins at 7 PM

TR - Bowl in a bowl 1

Ask yourself: 

Do you want to take your bowl turnings to the next level?

Do you enjoy the thrill of people asking, ‘how did you do that’?

Then join us on June 9th to see Tod demonstrate the turning of a bowl within a bowl using off center turning techniques.


TR - Bowls in a bowl 3

The demonstration will explore:
- Wood selection
- Grain orientation
- Work holding
- Face grain bowl turning
- Tool selection
- Design opportunities
- Jam chucking


About our Demonstrator:

Tod Raines
has been involved in Woodturning for nearly 2 decades. Initially as a self-taught hobbyist, Tod quickly discovered the value in learning from experienced turners like Al Stirt, Don Derry, and Jimmy Clewes. These classes and training really helped with his tool and turning skills but just as important he acquired knowledge about form, function and how the wood grain and texture guides the turning decisions.

TR - TR Photo

About our Demonstrator:

Tod Raines
 has been involved in Woodturning for nearly 2 decades. Initially as a self-taught hobbyist, Tod quickly discovered the value in learning from experienced turners like Al Stirt, Don Derry, and Jimmy Clewes. These classes and training really helped with his tool and turning skills but just as important he acquired knowledge about form, function and how the wood grain and texture guides the turning decisions.

Tod now enjoys sharing the knowledge he’s acquired as well as supplying turning tools for woodturners through his online store.


His Inspiration: 
“It is the unknown and spontaneous nature of working wood that intrigues me but also the process of how to get to the final piece. I enjoy showing others this craft and enabling their wonder in what is hidden within the wood.
To learn more about Tod please visit his websites at:
NTR Woodturning and Woodturning Tool Store